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Isaiah 6:8

[8]Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Many times we focus on the call but how about the availability? When a man is available more doors open to that man. It's not just about having a desire to preach the gospel but it's you finally taking this on and deciding to seek God.

Isaiah wasn't just called. He was available to hear the call itself.

He was in the spirit then saw all of this happen. Are you in prayer? You want to see God work in you but are you a slacker in prayer? Do you pray only when you feel like it or are you led?

Prayer should be something you do always as scripture says. We don't pray at certain hours of days. We pray always. Be available not only to preach but continually show yourself to God, behold him and conceive the message in you.

Prayer is a place we commune with the holy Ghost. It doesn't matter how gifted you are. Unless you cultivate your relationship with the Holy Spirit in prayer you won't go far.

You're gift will make way for you but it won't sustain you.

We don't pray because of circumstances. We pray because we are the house of the Lord and his house is a house of prayer. We don't find it hard to pray because that's the realm in which we're called to live. The Kingdom of the most high God.

Minister, learn to pray.

Further study.

John 14:16

Acts 2:1


Lord God thank you for being faithful. You are true. We don't fail. We are more than conquerors through Christ. Our lifestyle is of prayer. We stay constant therein and glorify your name. Amen.

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