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Proverbs 12:25

Anxiety in the heart of a man causes depression but a good word makes it glad

For anyone to be anxious, it begins from the heart and then depression comes as a result of that anxiety. If someone can't be anxious, then they can't be depressed, so when you deal with anxiety, therefore you won't be depressed.

Anxiety is a heart's issue hence it's from within. There are two kinds of people who can both be forced with the same situation, and one will be anxious and the other will not be, but the difference between these two kinds of people is how steadfast they are in their heart

The way to deal with anxiety is by listening to a good word because a good work makes the heart glad. When you listen to a good word makes the heart glad. When you listen to a good word, it edifies you and builds you up to face that situation. It's the thing that will make you composed and tenacious in the midst of that situation.

When the things harden, you also harden according to the word that you give yourself to because you are a total sum of the things you give yourself to. Its only through that you won't be anxious. Even in warfare armies are not built by strong men but men with strong hearts.

That is why we listen to the word of God. When you give yourself to the word a certain way you can never be anxious. Mark 4:24 AMP

says for with the same measure of thought and study you use shall be the measure of virtue and power that will come out of you


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Proverbs 18:14

Proverbs 15:13

Golden Nugget

When you listen to a good word you can't be anxious. And if you can't be anxious, you will never be depressed


Psalms 16:7-9 I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; my heart also instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the Lord always before me, because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore, my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices my flesh also will rest in hope


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