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1 Corinthians 15:10(MSG) But because God was so gracious, so very generous, here I am. And I'm not about to let his grace go to waste. Haven't I worked hard trying to do more than any of the others? Even then, my work didn't amount to all that much. It was God giving me the work to do, God giving me the energy to do it.

When God puts such a great call on a man's life just as he has yours, you obviously know that such a dream and vision only God can fulfill. There are visions and dreams you have had alone and secretly that no man knows or that lie in the depths of your heart, those ones that you could not even dare to tell anyone now those are the ones which only God can fulfill. It would not take a man, an organisation, a nation, it would take God.

If you've never had such a crazy ambition and goal in life you may not understand what I am saying but even you, spend time with God and allow him to reveal his eternal plan and purpose for your life that when you see it you may run to accomplish it.

Now to us who have seen what God has in store for us, God calls that a finished work and he has availed his grace in abundance for you to be able to fulfill that dream. Many men quickly disqualify themselves maybe not because they do not believe they are new creatures in Christ but because they feel they do not have enough qualifications and qualities to be used of God.

A man may disqualify himself because of his skin colour, his accent, his education level, or whatever the world seems to make matter. Though none of these qualify you, they are merely elements that melt away in the light of his glory and grace. As a child of God you should be cognizant of the grace that God has availed for you to serve him because grace is the enabling power of God; and once you are cognizant of it you will be able to push through in serving him.

Further study

Philippians 2:12-13(MSG)

Galatians 2:20

Golden Nugget

As a child of God you should be cognizant of the grace that God has availed for you to serve him because grace is the enabling power of God; and once you are cognizant of it you will be able to push through in serving him.


Loving father, I thank you for your love and grace that is shed abroad in our hearts, I am enabled to fulfill your dream for my life, I am strengthened and encouraged to the service of the son. Amen.


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