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Ephesians 6:16

[16]Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

Faith is what gives us access into the spiritual realities in this physical body. How can a man with a sickness in their body be healed without any medication or any drug entering inside them to combat the disease? It is simply the way of faith. The way of faith clearly overtakes everything that is physical. It does not make sense to a man physically. Look at the Christ, how does he walk on water? It is simply by faith.

Faith is the highest key to all spiritual realities. That is why Paul says "above all", taking the shield of faith. That means without faith there is no way you can access anything that is of God. Do you remember that the scripture says, "without faith, it is impossible to please God." So faith is what opens us up to even the life of God. Just being born again and pleasing God is a thing of faith.

If there's anything you want to accomplish in this life, then allow it to be centered around your faith. Even when you are making schedules for your day. They should be centered around your relationship with your God. That's what makes you live above normal men. In choosing the way of faith, you have chosen the way of the extraordinary.

Further study.

Romans 3:28

Hebrews 11:6

Golden Nugget

Faith is the highest key to all spiritual realities. In choosing the way of faith, you have chosen the way of the extraordinary.


Loving father, thank you for your establishment in the way of faith. Thank you for teaching us to live firstly by faith as we have believed therefore we walk and glorify your name. In Jesus 'name we have believed and prayed.


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