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1 Peter 2:24 [24] Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. The scripture in the new testament not like Isaiah in the old tells us that we were healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ. That means when you as a minister come to minister healing to men, you do it as one that is bringing them into the reality of what has already been done. That is the mystery of manifestation, we bring to the physical realm what already existed but was not seen. This is not a method to pray, but this is an understanding in which we lay hands on the sick, the lame, those who are troubled. We see what Christ has already done and we

help them to connect to that place. You invite a man into that place where he was healed. From this place you can as well teach him that this is not a one time experience but a lifestyle. So our mandate is to teach men that there is a life where you do not get sick, that even if you wake up with a pain in your body you can despise and disregard it. Jesus cursed the fig tree for not responding to him, the Bible says we kill the deeds of the body by the spirit. You too can curse any infirmity that chooses to stand out in your body. It is your right by God because Christ purchased it for you. Carry a boldness and confidence that all things are yours including divine health and with your entire heart you should believe that. Further study Isaiah 53:5 Matthew 11:12 Golden Nugget With boldness take the reality of divine health for your life. Prayer Father God we thank you for this understanding of Divine health, by the precious blood of Christ we stand on these grounds and believe and declare that we shall not be sick for non in Zion shall say I am sick and bless your name for this lord, thank you for giving us this free gift, in Jesus' name. Amen. zōē ReplyForward

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