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I am

Exod.3.14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

When Moses askes God for a name, God answered saying I am. Now you complete. Who is God to you? He's not just a healer, he's a comforter as well. He's a friend. He's the father. He's the strengthener. He is all things. God doesn't have an end. When he says I am, he's showing you that he's not like the images men made and theories they collect.

God is above all of that. He's the I am.

God is before the beginning he's from eternity. He's from always. Pilate asked Jesus are you a king? He said to that end was I born. King of who? King of kings. Who are these kings. Us who are born again. God's plan has always been to know you. For you to have a relationship with him. Not just know passively. The gospel is not just a picture to be viewed. It's not seen in a third party place. This love is experienced.

The end is that you may know the truth. The end is him. There's nothing more beautiful and deeper than God himself. For in him all things consist and find their place. Perfectly fitting together.

When you became born again, you were born into eternity. You went to a place where all things are. You no longer work to attain, now you bless. You work because you are blessing those you work with and this world at large.

You now do everything you do to bear witness to the truth. All things you now do are by purpose.

When you're in Christ it's not air that you breathe but it's Christ. It's not money you use to buy. In fact you don't buy, all things are yours. Isaiah saw this. You rest in the I am.

Whenever faced with anything, have it in your conscience that God is!

Further study.

Isaiah 55:1

2Cor 5:17

Galatians 2:20


Lord my life is found in thee. I nolonger live but I am dead to this world and it is you living in me. I am more than a conqueror because I am from that end.

I have a name you only have given. I am that special because you love me.


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