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After the fall

Today I want to talk about how we as men and women of God too have challenges. But the biggest challenge we all face is battle within yourself. Jesus also faced this battle. When he prayed for God to take away the cup of suffering (And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

Matthew 26:39 KJV). Look at the verse then he says not as I will but as thou(God) wilt. This shows that Jesus had the inner battle too seeing that there was no other way to get our salvation even after seeing how he would suffer he just wondered "is there a way". H e still didn't give up he didn't just say let me give up on these people he didn't just say why should I do this for these people no he prayed, asked God for strength and continued the journey. What do you do after you fall? When Jesus was carrying the cross he fell more than once but did he stay down or did he stand up and continue? A lot of people when they fall they are like this is worthless and don't go back up or completely give up on it. Jesus shows us that it is not by our own strength but by his we should move by his strength and not ours. It doesn't matter how u fell or what you did but all that matters is that you give your hand to Jesus to pull you up, That is why Jesus is the redeemer.


Jesus we thank you for what you did for us on that cross and let your word have effect in our lives


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